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Selectmen's Minutes July 8, 1997
July 8, 1997

Present:  Charles Flynn, Chairman, Judith Murdoch, Peter Jones, Cathy Kuchinski and Daniel Webster.

Moment of Silence for Dorothy Wenz,Assistant Town Clerk 1983-1988.

Mr. Flynn called meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.  Selectmen opened the meeting and announced a hearing for a transfer of a common victualer all alcoholic liquor license from Ciao Despina, 252 Main Street, to Stingers Family Restaurant, David J. Hatch, Mgr.  Mr. Hatch explained that the restaurant would basically stay the same as it presently is. He planned on serving the same menu that he currently has at the Sea Food Connection as well as additional food.  Representatives of the First Baptist Church stated that they were supportive of the style of restaurant; however, did not want to see a Sports Bar.  Mr. Hatch assured the Board that it was to be a restaurant.  Motion by Murdoch that the common victualer license for Stingers Restaurant be awarded.  2nd by Webster.  5-0 vote.  Motion by Dan Webster to transfer all alcoholic beverage license to Stingers Family Restaurant, Inc., 2nd Peter Jones, 5-0 vote.

Mr. Flynn announced that Troop 34 would be holding an Eagle Court of Honor for Kevin Cohen on July 19, 1997.  Various Board members will attempt to attend.  Mr. Cohen to be invited to the Board's meeting of July 22, 1997 along with Mr. Billings who recently received his Eagle Scout award.

Board voted to appoint Anton Trigler to the Parks and Fields Committee on motion by Murdoch, 2nd by Jones.Motion voted 5-0.

7:45 Tousignant Re:Liquor License 8/9/97 12-5pm at Camp Kiwanee. Murdock made motion to allow one day Liquor license, Kuchinski 2nd  
5-0 vote.

Board acknowledged letter from the Town of Hanover to perambulate bounds in September.  Ms. Kuchinski volunteered and asked that a letter be sent back to confirm any of the following dates, Sept. 6, 20, 27.  Mr. Harris also agreed to go along.

The Chair introduced Daniel Lee, new production and program manager from Media One.  Mr. Lee takes the place of Shannon Cadres.

The Chair introduced Robert Egan, Project Manager of the MBTA and asked Mr. Egan to give them on update on the status of the T as well as to address points raised in a letter of July 3rd sent by Mr. Nugent.  Also present was the Town's T representative Bill Danner.

Mr. Egan stated that the T has plans to start operating as scheduled in September and the Town's people will see varied types of train operation throughout the Town over the next several months.  This operation includes testing, training, etc. of T equipment and manpower.  Mr. Egan addressed the concerns outlined in the Board's letter.

1.      Private parking lot at Main St. adjacent to the track will have an entry moved to avoid conflict when gates are down.

2.      Hawks Ave. area is being studied.  It is planned at this time to install stripping and signage. Board members expressed a strong concern that additional safety measures, such as a gate, needs to be installed.  Mr. Egan agreed that he would further study the area.

3.      Mr. Egan stated that tree and shrub growth at the Rte. 27 crossing will be cut back to improve visability.

4.      Mr. Egan stated that the MBTA is responsible for maintaining the stations and generally hires a subcontractor.  A list of subcontractors and contact people for the T will be given to the Town.

5.      The T inspects and cleans the oil interceptor traps in all their stations twice a year.

6.      The T understands that some stations sites in the past have experienced issues of deterioration based on quality of work and materials.  Mr. Egan stated that the T maintains performance and payment bonds on all construction as well as various warranties and maintains a maintenance and engineering staff to inspect and examine any issues which might occur.

7.      Payment boxes for riders parking at the T station are in place.

8.      The water flow from the outflow pipe and the surrounding rip rap rock seepage is by design since the outflow pipe is a perforated pipe and allows water at low levels to seep out gradually into the detention basin.  However, in flood conditions can handle larger quantities directly through the pipe.  

9.      Mr. Egan stated that the extension of  sidewalk is in an existing contract which is in place and ready to go fairly shortly.  Concerns have been raised about the curb cut openings for the businesses along Main St. up to High St. that currently have a wide open entry way.  It was suggested that representatives of the T speak with Dick Harris and Noreen O'Toole to review final design of that area.

10.     Mr. Egan stated that a set of plans at the 100%stage would be sent to the Town and followed by an as-built of the parking lot when that is completed.

11.     The Town stated that some strong concerns about safety in the parking lot and feels the island will be installed.  Mr. Egan stated that it is the T;s policy not to install islands and he feels this issue will not be resolved in favor of the Town.  During some questions Mr. Egan did inform Board members that the entire perimeter of the parking lot is fenced in so people should not be cutting through walking the parking lot, other than when they leave their cars to walk to the station.  Walking patrons should use the sidewalk areas and the pathways through the parking lot.

12.     Mr. Egan explained the planned traffic flows an stated it is the T's position after lengthy study of the area that the existing design should work safely and allow vehicles safe access and egress at the parking area.

13.     Mr. Egan gave a lengthy discussion regarding four quadrant gates explaining that the legislation was passed; however the T feels that logistically it was impossible to install the gates at this time without continued and further study.  He outlined the T's installation plans for the two gate system and did admit that if vehicles are inclined to avoid the gates, that they can work around them; however, he stated like all traffic controls, ie red light, stop signs, speed limits, etc., operator common sense is the key.  Furthermore, if in the future quadrant gates become a priority for the T, they still would not be installed prior to September.  Mr. Harris asked what happens if the power goes out. Mr. Egan stated that all gates have a battery backup and if the gates fail, they will fail in a down position.  Mr. Harris also stated, that the signage on Rte. 58 in the southern part of Town blocks the visability of the T blinking lights.

Ms. Kuchinski asked that notification be given to the Town concerning any press releases that are issued by the T os that the Town may copy and send to the Cable company for residents.

Exec. Secretary also mentioned that the press releases could be FAXed directly to the Town.

Mrs. Murdoch echoed some concerns regarding the speed of the trains.  Mr. Egan explained that in fact on some locations, the trains will be travelling at a high rate of speed, upwards of 70 miles per hour. He stated that the T has fenced the right of way, has no trespassing signs up, has provided eductions at the schools and communities, and hopes that citizens would be aware of the danger of entering the right of way area.  

Mr. Jones asked if bicycle racks are available.  Mr. Egan stated yes.  Mr. Jones suggested that at least some racks be placed under the cover of the platform so that patrons might park their bicycles out of the weather.  Mr. Egan agreed to look into that.

Mr. Flynn asked what position the gates will be in when the train is at the platform.  Mr. Egan explained that the gates will be up since the train can fit on the platform without disturbing the traffic.  Mr. Flynn also asked about maintenance of the fencing.  Mr. Egan stated that the T would maintain the fencing and the Town should understand that the T drivers and work crews are continually travelling from station to station and usually are the first to spot these types of repairs.  It is the T's intent to examine and maintain the stations and the right of way in a timely fashion to ensure safety for T ridership.  

Bruce Young asked what is the current status of the old depot.  Mr. Nugent announced that is was his understanding that there had been plans submitted to the ZBA for that property.

Linda Wyman asked for an update on the financial assessment issue.  Both Mr. Egan and Mr. Danner stated that the T has no intention of assessing the communities.  The assessments are driven by the State legislation.  Currently there have been solid commitments by the local legislators that no assessments would be handed out.  Mr. Gould asked that the trains not stop between W. Washington St. and the Main St. station should any type of fuel leak take place since they would be dumping potentially 1800 gallons of fuel into the Town's aquifer area.  Mr. Egan pointed out that the T does have a technical response team in these situations; however, Board members agreed with Mr. Gould that it would be better to spray a minimal amount of diesel fuel along the track area while the train was runnning through rather than stopping in this critical area and allowing a major leak to take place.  Mr. Egan agreed to look into the Town's concerns.

Board conducted a hearing for a new common victualer all alcoholic beverage license for Cahill Pub, 279 Spring St.  Potential owners Damien Cahill and his attorney Shawn Cotter made a presentation to the Board concerning their ongoing efforts to purchase and operate the former McCarthy's Pub.  Currently they are before the zoning board of appeals for site plan approval.  They have filed with the Conservation Commission and intend on doing a complete notice of intent shortly.  They have an approved septic plan for the Board of Health and are starting the installation of the new septic system; however, since part of their funding obligates them to pledge the liquor license, they need to have a license in place and furthermore, they would not want to continue through these costly processes without knowing that a license was forthcoming.  They explained some minor changes to the operation and the business and discussed their intentions to update the interior.  Mr. Jones was concerned with the starting time of 8:00 a.m. and indicated he would be more comfortable with a starting time of around 11:00  a.m.  They also asked that bartenders and waitresses be TIPs approved.  Mrs. Murdoch moved to grant an all alcoholic common victualer license subject to approvals by all appropriate boards and taxes being paid as well as operation time from 11 a.m to 1 a.m.  2nd by Jones, 5-0 vote. The Board will vote the Common Victualer's License at a later date.

Chairman recognized Bruce Young on behalf of the Historic Commission to present to the Board a copy of the recently completed Historic Survey.  Mr. Young and Don Teague, Chairman gave a presentation and background outlining the process followed in completing the survey and listing the many properties(168 sites) within the community that are historically significant.  The Board agreed that a special thank you should be sent to Ray Towne as the unofficially recognized Hanson Historian.  He asked that various sites be mentioned at upcoming metings and also asked for funding to be sought to bind several more copies.  Executive Secretary to obtain funding for the Board.

Appointments.  Motion made by Kuchinski, 2nd by Murdoch to appoint Patricia Strait as Registrar to fill the unexpired term until March 31, 1998.  Vote 5-0.

Appointment per recommendation of Police Chief, Motion by Murdoch, 2nd Jones, voted 5-0 to appoint Robert Buotte as Special Police Officer (Harbormaster).  Short discussion included information that he has attended the academy training and has passed a physical examination.

Reappointments:  Kathleen Ferrarra, Arts Lottery Council, 1999.  Kathy Fortin, Arts Lottery Council, 1999.

Brian Gaffey, Drainage Committee, 1998.

George Cirillo, Drainage Committee, 1998.

Arthur West, Sealer of Weights and Measures, 1998.

Motion by Murdoch, 2nd by Jones, 5-0 vote.

Request for Town Hall grounds, Annual Flea Market, Senior Steppers, September 20.  To set up at 7:00 a.m., selling 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.  Motion by Murdoch, 2nd Kuchinski, 5-0 vote.

Letter read by Chairman from the Police Chief asking the Board to vote to place "Deaf Child" sign on Phillips Street.  Motion by Murdoch, 2nd by Kuchinski, voted 5-0.

Chairman introduced Betty O'Sullivan to given a update to the Board of Selectmen of the current school building process.  Mrs. O'Sullivan introduced members of the Committee and then introduced the architectural firm of DRA.  Mr. Carl Francesci presented the Board with an overview of the design for both the new middle school and renovations to the Indian Head School.  Upon completion of the presentation Board members asked some questions for clarification and thanked Mrs. O'Sullivan.

Motion made by Murdoch, 2nd by Webster to enter executive session under #3, negotiations (highway Dept. grievance).  Roll call vote Murdoch,aye;Kuchinski,aye; Webster, aye; Jones,aye; Flynn,aye. 5-0 Vote.

Kuchinski requested to send letters to Libby Bates,Assistant Assessor,and Kathleen O'Brien,Health Agent for jobs well done for our Town and wishing them well in all future endeavors.  Another request to send letters of thanks to Veteran's Agent and Assistant Paul Nawazelski and Ken Smith(American Legion)

Executive Secretary Report:
1. 216,319 Reimbursement papers for signing. Hwy. ch.90
2. Board's Administrative Secretary replacement hired to replace Marion Elms who is retiring this fall.  Kimberly Braddock of Hanson hired by Nugent.  Peter Jones requested a copy of her resume for review by all selectmen.
3. Goals to be on agenda for August 5, 1997 for Executive Secretary, Board, Town Accountant, Town Treasurer-Collector.

Motion to adjourn by Murdoch, 2nd by Flynn.  5-0  11:35 p.m.